Below are the directions explaining how to play each of the Methods of Drafting (MODs).
Base Game MODs (12)
Button Draft:
Deal four cards per player face up in a large circle. 1st player places the 1st player marker next to any card he wishes to draft. Once the card is drafted the next player may choose either the 1st,2nd, or 3rd cards to the left of the 1st player marker. Move the marker to where the next card is drafted. Repeat this process until all players have drafted four cards. |
Count out four cards per player. Shuffle these cards, and place one face up in a column in the middle. Place the deck face down. Players may either build a row (draw the top card of the deck and place it face up into any row) or take one row. The number of rows is the number of players. Players may take a row with fewer than four cards, but once a row is taken their turn is over. Rows may contain more than four cards. |
Deal four cards per player face up in rows of four. Starting with the first player, each player can then choose to a) shift a column of cardsdown a row and move the bottom card up to the top row ,or to b) take a row. When a player has taken a row, their drafting turn is over. Drafting continues until all rows have been claimed. |
Pass the Trash
The 1st player counts four cards per player, then shuffles these cards. Starting with player #2 the top card of the deck is revealed and offered. Player #2 may keep it and place it face up in a row in front of him, or he may pass. If the card is passed it is offered to the next player. That player may keep it and place it in front of them ,or they may pass. If a card is passed twice, then the next player MUST take the card and place it in front of them face up. Repeat this process. Once a player has four cards in front of them, skip this player when offering any further cards. Repeat the process until all players have four cards. |
Pay to Play:
Count out four cards per player, shuffle these cards, and place them face down in a pile in the center of the table. Flip over the three top cards and place them face up in a row next to the deck. Cards cost points. The first card farthest from the deck has a cost of “FREE”, the next is “ONE”, followed by “TWO”, then the top face down card on the deck has a cost of “THREE”. The cost is paid by victory points. When a player chooses a card, move their respective score marker backwards for the cost of the card. EX: Tim choose the third cost which costs “TWO” points. Tim’s score marker is moved two spaces back. The Top card of the deck is flipped over, and all cards shift, so the Top Card becomes the new “TWO” point card. If a player chooses to pay THREE points for the face down Top Card, then the next Top Card is not flipped over. Repeat until all players have four cards. |
Penny Lane:
Deal two cards to each player. Each player chooses one and places one face up in the middle of the table. Repeat. Once every player has two cards in their collection, 1st player chooses one of the cards from the middle. Snake draft this so that the 1st player chooses the last card remaining. |
Pyramids: Count out four cards per player. Shuffle these cards. Create 1 or 2 pyramids depending on the amount of players. Lay the cards out so that cards overlap others. Starting with the 1st player, choose a card that is not underneath another card. View the Diagrams to see how each pyramid is built based on the number of players.
Roman Auction:
Count out four cards per player then shuffle the cards. Create a face up row for each player. The First row will have one less card than the others, while the last row will have one more card. The 1st player bids on any row using his victory points. The next player may outbid the previous bid. If a player fails to outbid the last bid, that player no longer may bid on that specific row. Highest bid wins the row. The player next to the winning bid selects a row and places a bid. Players either pass or outbid the player. Highest bidder wins. Once a player has won a row, they may not bid on any other rows. The last player must take the last row at a cost of 1 victory point per card. |
Deal four cards per player face down in rows in the middle. The number of rows should equal the number of players, with four cards in each row. On your turn you may either flip over a face down card, or take any row of four cards. Once all players have had a turn repeat the process. If all cards have been flipped over then players that have not yet taken a row, must take a row. Players may only take one row, which ends their turn during that phase. |
Expansion Game MODs (5)
Blue Draft:
Deal four cards face up in front of each player. Players choose all matching cards from any group of four cards. You may choose either numbers, colors, or shape. Players take all the matches in a group of four and move the remaining cards in the group to the middle. After every player has chosen from a hand, then cards may be drafted from the middle. Once a player has four cards they can no longer draft. You may not draft cards with different matching components. EX: Paul sees four cards in front of Jim. the Yellow Circle Five, Yellow Square Six, Blue Circle Two, and Red Square Eight. He can choose the two Yellow cards, the two Circle cards, or the two Square cards, but he can not choose both the Yellow Cards and the Circle cards. If three or more cards match, a player may take them, but each player will only be able to draft up to 4 cards total. |
Deal four cards face down to each player. Players must pick up their cards, face them away from themselves, and not look at their own cards. Players choose a card from the other players’ hands, or may choose one of their own. Chosen cards are placed into their collection. Go in order until all cards have been chosen. |
Deal four cards face up to the middle equal to the number of players. Each player will put their fist in the middle. On the count of three each player displays 0-5 fingers. The highest bidder chooses the first card, but loses the amount of the bid in points. Tied players must play Roshambo (Rock, Paper, Scissors) to determine who the winning bidder was. If three players tie the player closest to the 1st player marker going right is considered the winner while the other two must play Roshambo. If four or more players tie, then the player closest to the 1st player marker is the winner, and order follows according to position. |
Create X columns of cards, where X is equal to the number of players. Each column will contain four cards each with each overlapping the previous card. The 1st player will choose any card that is not underneath another card. The next player chooses any open card that is not underneath another. Repeat until all players have four cards. |